Thursday, June 3, 2010

Extreme Righties

Extreme Righties

Glen Beck wants you people to think that the Constitution was written by God. Unfortunately it was not. I know this for the simple fact that our founding fathers were just men. As a descendent of Augustine Washington I can say that Uncle George just like the other men in our family…. they were just that men. If it were created by God I would expect a much more perfect document, one where women and minorities would not have to wait over one hundred years to gain their "God given rights". Just the fact that women could not vote and Blacks were considered property and only counted as three fifths of a human been should tell the sanest Beck followers that he is wrong.

The rights proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence were also not given by God they were proclaimed by man and man can change them as life and society changes. Just as it would take many more chickens today to barter for your doctor’s visit today then it did our grandparents…...LOL, the right to be healthy and not go broke paying for my health care or paying for those without healthcare can be proclaimed by man. That is why we have amendments to the constitution to protect us from ourselves and our beloved capitalism.
A revolution is not what is needed in this country and Beck is again wrong looking for future founding fathers. What this country needs is more leaders who have the values and needs of the people in mind not corporations. We are a democracy first and a capitalist society second balancing the two is tearing us apart. As a democracy if the majority (That is 51% not 60%) wants more “social Justice” then the democratic system should prevail. Socialism is not something we need to fear it can be the highest form of democracy. As long as we have free enterprise and the capitalist system we need not fear social programs engineered to equal classes. If the people at the bottom have no money to spend the people at the top can’t sell their goods thus the rich cannot get richer. Conservatives have forgotten the whole circular system of Reganomics includes the fact that some crumbs must trickle down to the lower class for it to work.
8 years of this principle economic system has not worked because the people at the top forgot that the (unpaid for) tax cuts should have created jobs so that people can earn and spend. If you do not create jobs you must use some form of “Social justice” to get the people at the bottom money to spend. So we spend and bailout and create a larger deficit with the hope that we can spend and make it work and someone somewhere will create jobs so we can earn and spend………does it feel like Ground Hogs Day.